Questions of ornaments (15th-18th century)

On 16 and 17 February 2012 IRPA-KIK (Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Parc du Cinquantenaire 1, B-1000 Bruxelles) organized its 13th Art History Seminar, Questions of ornaments (15th-18th century): 3. Three-dimensional art.|02|2012%20%20S%C3%A9minaire%20d
The study of ornament enjoys an obvious renewed interest since around 15 years now. Far to be only considered as a directory of motives likely to enhance a grammar of styles, ornament appears today as a surprisingly complex phenomenon. The vague definition of the ornament concept, almost elusive, is a reflection of his multifaceted nature. Next to its esthetical role, recent studies emphasized the symbolical, anthropological, political and socio-economical functions assumed by ornament. In addition, going through all artistic fields in different ways and degrees, ornament cannot be reduced to a specific artistic category. This transversal character of ornament, linked with this typical dependence to other artistic mediums, has often contributed to classify ornament as useless and marginal additions, even to minority and femininity. Nowadays this characteristic of ornament seems to offer a new exploring field, allowing to revisit our current perception of art’s hierarchy. Thinking early modern ornament requires indeed to understand its connections with the different artistic genres.
The objective of this series of three conferences, launched in December 2009, is to take stock of the actual state of the arts, as well as to open new perspectives for research. More particularly, the point is to engage in a theoretical and methodological reflection, fed by particular case studies, on the questions of epistemological and historiographical nature.
After a reflection on the links between ornament and architecture (Namur, FUNDP, December 2009, and between ornament, painting and graphic arts (Louvain-la-Neuve, UCL, February 2011,, this third conference was dedicated to the three-dimensionality of sculpture in its broad perspectives.
ornament-art - 5. Nov, 23:25