
Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

Melanie Millar


Melanie Millar
Biographical Information
October 21, 2012

I am a painter with a full time studio practice in Houston Texas.
I completed a Master of Fine Arts program in painting from the University of North Texas in Denton Texas in 1999. I grew up and lived in suburban New York City until I was 18. These early years on the East Coast had a huge impact on every aspect of my development, including my artistic development. As kids will, I completely took for granted my parents’ efforts to expose me to so much that New York had to offer, particularly in the arts. My father had a particular interest Modernist art. I spent many Sundays at the Museum of Modern
Art and the Guggenheim with my family. When I was old enough to go on my own, I would skip school and go into the city with chums (and never once got caught). As a high school student I took classes at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.

When I moved to Houston in 1976 I was truly shocked to discover that not all big cities were created equal. I had no idea New York stood alone among American cities. In 1976 I thought I had ended up at the edge of the known world. Houston in 2012 is a very different city and I have come to love living and working here. I have an amazing 750 square foot studio (70 square meters) in an industrial part of the city, a luxury that would be unaffordable in most other big cities. And this remarkably low cost of living has made Houston a magnet for artists and other creatives.


Melanie Millar
Artist Statement
October 2012

All This Useless Beauty

An astonishing amount of human effort and expense since the beginning of human history has been expended in the
Endeavor to enhance, embellish and beautify the surfaces of our inhabited existence; from the patterning on clay vessels to the architectural articulation of gothic cathedrals. To no other end than to please and delight the viewer. Seen through the lens of Modernism, this is an irrational endeavor, unnecessary, superfluous, gratuitous and wasteful. And yet this persistent human compulsion.

My work comes out of a long‐term fascination with ornamental form in its myriad manifestations: architectural embellishment, textile design and the surface decoration employed for one purpose only: to enhance the experience of our constructed material existence: vessels, tools, interior space, exterior space. The impulse to embellish is universal. It is seen in all cultures since the be. “Just as there are no societies that do not speak or count, so there are none that do not embellish or make patterns.“

In his seminal work, “The Mediation of Ornament”, Oleg Grabar describes the sole and exclusive purpose of ornamental form is to provide pleasure, visual and tactile, to the viewer. As such, Grabar identifies ornamental form as a signifier or mediator of pleasure. So these forms: the serpentine line, the interlace, the stylized palmetto signify to the viewer pleasure and delight. As such, they also signify completion.

With Modernism, this impulse to embellish, to enhance became highly suspect. Austrian architect Adolf Loos went so far as to publish a manifesto entitled “Ornament and Crime” in 1913. "The evolution of culture marches with the elimination of ornament from useful objects" Loos writes, echoing the modernist dictum first articulated by Louis Sullivan in 1896: “form follows function.”

This dictum is based on the notion that embellishment interferes with functionality. This is true only if one believes that the pleasure of viewing, handling, using, dwelling does not enhance function.

So I have isolated and extracted these forms from their original context and recontextualized them as “pure” form and as signifiers. My paintings are built up in layer upon layer of transparent and semi‐transparent glazes, interleaving and embedding the flat formal elements among the accumulated layers. This layering creates a visual and emotional depth, a dreamy, floating sense of time and space and history. The restrained palette serves as a counterpoise to the decorative nature of the ornamental form.





Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

no name

Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

Adriana Czernin


Adriana Czernin
wurde 1969 in Sofia geboren, 1990 zog sie nach Wien. Ihre großformatigen Zeichnungen waren zuletzt u.a. in der Gruppenausstellung „Die Macht des Ornaments“ im Unteren Belvedere zu sehen. Vertreten wird sie von der Wiener Galerie Martin Janda:

21.10.11-18.12.11 Political Patterns. Ornament im Wandel ifa-Galerie Stuttgart
08.07.11- 03.10.11 Political Patterns. Ornament im Wandel ifa-Galerie Berlin
21.01.09-17.05.09 DIE MACHT DES ORNAMENTS Belvedere, Wien




Dienstag, 24. April 2012

Shirin Neshat


Politisierung des Ornaments

SHIRIN NESHAT born March 26, 1957 in Qazvin is an Iranian visual artist who lives in New York City. She is known primarily for her work in film, video and photography.

Her work refers to the social, cultural and religious codes of Muslim societies and the complexity of certain oppositions, such as man and woman. Neshat often emphasizes this theme showing two or more coordinated films concurrently, creating stark visual contrasts through motifs such as light and dark, black and white, male and female. Neshat has also made more traditional narrative short films.

The work of Shirin Neshat addresses the social, political and psychological dimensions of women's experience in contemporary Islamic societies. Although Neshat actively resists stereotypical representations of Islam, her artistic objectives are not explicitly polemical. Rather, her work recognizes the complex intellectual and religious forces shaping the identity of Muslim women throughout the world. Using Persian poetry and calligraphy she examined concepts such as martyrdom, the space of exile, the issues of identity and femininity.




Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Silke Radenhausen

ornament_radenhausen radenhausen_arabia

Knut Nievers
Grammar of Ornament

In a group of works that she has been working on since 1996, Silke Radenhausen,
who lives near Kiel, examines Owen Jones’s book »Grammar of Ornament«,
which was first published in London in 1854. Jones collected ornaments from
throughout the ages in a kind of pattern book and makes these – absolutely in the
spirit of historicism and liberal competitive capitalism – available for Western
culture to appropriate.
Silke Radenhausen gives the following reasons for her fascination with
this book: »I am interested in the whys and wherefores of classification. All the
ornaments, regardless of their origin, are levelled out by the way colour and form
are treated, treated equally. (…) This seems to me to reflect a European pattern
of adaptation and affirmation … I use ›Grammar of Ornament‹ to ›exploit‹ that
pattern again, though using the grammar of geometrical-topological operation
that I have developed. My linen objects imitate the pattern plates, embody them
and make them into fetishes, a kind of double art theft.«
What Silke Radenhausen calls her geometrical-topological operation
could also be characterized as a critical re-actualization of the relationship between
aesthetic form and social norm. This connection may be uncritical in
Jones’s imaginary museum of world ornament, but it is developed with all the
splendour of a goods aesthetic.
But this sensual availability magic is based on suppressing the historical
context. Owen Jones transports the anarchic order of ornament into an order
of the anarchic, i.e. places it in a ghetto and isolates it, in other words neutralizes
it. In contrast with the notorious-modern slogan of the »death of ornament«,
Silke Radenhausen’s Grammar project works on re-infusing the regulated nature
of ornament with its original anarchy. (…)

Extract from Visus, issue 1/97, p. 35

Joanna Klysz, Gramatyka ornamentu (Grammar of Ornament), „Artluk”, 3/ 2007, S. 52-54.

Montag, 12. März 2012

Lisa Congdon's patterns

San Francisco illustrator and fine artist Lisa Congdon was raised in both upstate New York and Northern California where she grew to love the trees and animals that surrounded her. That love is now expressed most intensely through her colorful and imaginative paintings, drawings and three-dimensional collages. Congdon’s vast catalog of work is primarily themed around her passion for nature, vintage imagery, geometrics and folk pattern.





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